Tweener moves his hand after resting on the wall and he leaves a bloody print. Abruzzi tells Lincoln to drive, and Michael smashes the tail lights to make the van harder to see. The men find a large blue van parked inside. Abruzzi says, “Ye of little faith,” then runs off. Sucre and C-Note ask Abruzzi where the van is. With Abruzzi leading the pack, he kneels and looks over the property. Abruzzi pushes Haywire through, they’ll deal with Haywire later.

But Haywire can’t, he’s not wearing anything underneath. When Haywire approaches, Lincoln grabs a handful of his white jumpsuit and tells him to take it off. Tweener runs in too quickly and slices his hand on the wire. Lincoln holds open a gap in a barbed wire fence. The eight men run through the thick forests surrounding the prison. They shine their flashlights in the brush, but the cons are gone. Abruzzi grabs Michael and strains, “But they can see us!” The C.O.s draw their weapons and move towards the barking dogs. Michael whispers, “They can’t smell us!” Suddenly, the dogs bark furiously and claw at their cages. The dogs are placed into a truck without incident. But Sucre points out several K-9 units approaching their location. C-Note tells Michael they need to move, but Michael says they have to wait until all the guards are ahead of them. Keeping their heads low and deep in the brush the eight cons hide feet from the sally port. Squad cars and SUVs speed away into the night. We’re playing for keeps now, gentlemen.” Pope tells them if the cons are on foot they’ll be about a mile away and if they secured a vehicle, they could be ten miles away. Our job is to ensure the safety of the general population, which means that if we need to bring those men down in order to maintain that safety, then we’ll do it. And that choice was to become a threat to society again. He’s barking orders over a bullhorn, “Those men made a choice when they went over that wall.

flips Bellick his shotgun.īellick walks out of the sally port to a crowd of guards surrounding Warden Pope. But Bellick cuts him off and yells, “Did I stutter? Get me my shotgun!” Bellick fumes and the C.O. tries to tell him that Pope is already giving orders. He immediately asks for his shotgun and a C.O. C.O.s Patterson and Mack run down the tier, “Warden, they just found Bellick.” He walks back out onto the tier and looks over the inmates.

The toilet is removed and the hole into the wall is exposed. Pope pushes through the second tier and into Michael’s cell.
His eyes drift down to Westmoreland sitting lifeless in the same place Michael left him.Ī-Wing is filled with the sounds of celebrating inmates who know Michael and the P.I. Pope walks into Sara’s office to see the window gone and the bars removed. Pope storms into the infirmary and asks how many inmates escaped. That Vanilla Ice Kid, Bagwell, C-Note, Abruzzi and that bug-eyed J-Cat.” JJ presses him for more and Manche solemnly says, “Westmoreland.” Manche gives up the names, “Scofield, Burrows, Sucre. JJ yells into his walkie-talkie, “We got a 1098! Inmates over the wall!” JJ wraps his arm around Manche’s thick neck and demands to know who else was involved. The guards have Manche face down and he’s begging for his life. The prison alarm screams and the flood lights fill the yard.